Why would you want a Home Bar? Le me explain it to you.

Having a drink out on Saturday is not as easy as it used to be. Bars get filled up instantly and without reserving a seat on a Monday it is really hard to get one, in particular at a fancy bar. The only real solution to this problem is having a Home Bar ready for the occasion! Because if one cannot go to the bar, it will be the bar coming to them.

For this reason, this article aims to list the tools and kitchenware one needs to obtain the title of a home bar owner. Because it is easy claiming this title when, at home, there is a bottle of Johnnie Walker blue label and shots glasses. What is being discussed in this article is a true, quality and deserving respect, home bar and its necessary tools and kitchenware, if interested, continue to read.

The first thing to consider when creating a home bar is the space. The objective of a home bar setup is to create a place which creates closeness between the people and feels like a public bar. Many factors contribute towards this like lights, decorations and shelves with bottles.

Having somewhere where to serve the beverages is really important. This can be done in different ways: wheeled stationeries are a good solution as they are very easy to move. There also are models made of plastic which are very light but less elegant. Some of these have integrated shelves for glasses and bottles. Lastly, a good solution is a storage cabinet which allows to ‘hide’ glasses and bottles and guarantees increased discretion.

When serving a drink at home, in order to make your guest feel like in a cosmopolitan bar in Manhattan, there are a few necessary accessories. First and foremost, the coasters are necessary in order to avoid damage to the surfaces. Secondly, in order to make the drinks served fresh it is possible to use reusable ice cubes, which are made with specific materials that do not melt into the drinks and, for this reason, do not change the taste of the drink with the water. Other decorations for the drinks include decorations such as straws and small umbrellas which help make the cocktail look like made in a professional bar.

If the above-mentioned are indeed home bar essentials, there are also a few options that if present, do help with the bar looks. Minibars are a good implementation to serve always fresh beverages. Some models can stay on the table while others remain on the floor. There even are tables with minibars inside, which can save some space.

Another cool thing to have are the stools. The circular seats are comfortable but less than their option with the back. The alternatives are sofas which help create a relaxing atmosphere. Finally, the last point to consider is food: every respectable bar has food options, one which could suit this kind of atmosphere could be a charcuterie board, on which there is an article explaining how to do it here.

The above section illustrated how to use the space and what implementation is needed to build a proper home bar. The article will continue with the accessories essential to be the best possible home barman. Because in order to prepare the perfect cocktails it is necessary to have certain accessories which include the following:


An openable bottle-shaped container that is used to mix ingredients for cocktails. This tool can be opened from the top to pour the liquids inside. Once closed, this needs to be held horizontally, using both hands, each placed on the opposite sides and shaken for at least fifteen seconds. The drinks need to be served immediately after this operation as they can lose flavour.

Mixing Glass

It is a container with a tip through which the liquid can be poured. Its use is for those cocktails that cannot be shaken. The mixing glass needs to be filled with ice until three-fourths of the container, which will make the external walls colder, secondly, the water in excess needs to be discarded to pour the necessary ingredients for the cocktail. Once the ingredients are in, they need to be mixed using a bar spoon and finally, can be poured using a strainer, so the ice stays in the mixing glass.


Normally made out of steel it is used to stop either the ice or the residue from fruit juices such as lemon or orange, when pouring the drink through a mixing glass.

Bar Spoon

A long spoon that the barman uses to mix cocktails that do not need shaking. Its peculiarity is a spiral as a handle to facilitate mixing movements.


A high-velocity mixer that can be used to prepare smoothies and fruit-based cocktails which are served with ice flakes.


There are various versions of this made out of different materials. These are needed when preparing cocktails that need their ingredients crushed such as mojitos, caipirinhas and many more. Check out this link to find out which mortar ad pestle suits you the best.

Measuring Cup

This is a graduate cup which is needed to regulate every part of a cocktail. It can contain up to 50 cc of liquid. It is really important to use this, in particular, if less experienced.

Other Accessories:

Two sugar bowls, one for the granulated sugar and the other for lumps; A corkscrew with bottle opener; A bucket for the ice; A tall glass where to place straws and spoons; Nozzle caps for the bottles; One champagne cap to use for opened bottles and obviously cups for cocktails.

As visible from this article it is not impossible to become an ad hoc barman in the commodity of the proper home. It is needed some creativity to imagine the space, some accessories to prepare the cocktails and some practice to become the best home-bar owner and save the night!

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Thank you very much and that is all, from Dr Cooker!

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